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Custom Brokerage

SAPO Brokerage Co

Customs has the responsibility to check all in and outgoing goods. For this purpose the Iran’s customs has developed a system called EPL. Entering goods into the system is being done by companies with a permit.

After entering, all goods have to get a destination. Most frequently this destination is placement under a custom legislation. According to law for this to happen a declaration has to be made. This declaration is what SAPO Brokerage Co makes for her customers, Among other services.

For us, the administrative handling of your shipment is a routine job. But one that is executed with the utmost attention. SAPO Brokerage Co is a member of Saba Poolad Business Group who  is IRICA-full certified, connected to the electronic declaration system – EPL, Transit – and also has its own customs warehouse. Therefore we treat your bonded goods as easily as your non-bonded goods. Including the involved ‘paperwork’.

An enthusiastic team of youthful employees work on your orders. SAPO Brokerage Co still exists today thanks to the high level of service that we offer to our customers and our adaptability to the ever changing legislation.

SAPO Brokerage Co supplies as customs agent  the following services:

Acting as a middleman between you and customs

Taking care of all custom formalities regarding import, export and transit.

Direct representation with import and export

Fiscal representation with import

Fiscal, Tax return (VAT)

Handling objections against customs

Background information regarding custom formalities

Other services

Arranging physical controls, giving advice and information and handling objections are also amongst SAPO Brokerage Co.

Export orders

Transition of goods is most common in The Iran. Goods travel under the supervision of the customs to their destination. SAPO Brokerage Co makes the declaration by means of EPL (New Computerized Transit System).


Transit orders

Transition of goods is most common in The Iran.

Goods travel under the supervision of the customs to their destination.

SAPO Brokerage Co t makes the declaration by means of  EPL (New Computerized Transit System).


Import orders

SAPO Brokerage Co can make this declaration. Import duties, if any, will be paid by SAPO Brokerage Co, for and on behalf of the importer, by means of Direct Representation. After which the goods can travel freely to their end-point.